Selasa, 27 Desember 2016

5 habits of highly productive people

People Habit

Who doesn’t want to be productive types of people? that has the greatest possibilities to be successful in this world. Nowadays, most of the society are tend to be to looks productive instead of truly being productive through busying themselves with anything that is unnecessary.

Furthermore, productive type of people is kind of a lifestyle as you have to apply all of the rules that we going to discuss later in your daily life. Indeed, to be a productive people you need to do it as a behavior so its becoming a everyday habits. 

Therefore, there are the 10 habits of highly productive people as listed below:

1. They always make every day plan/list

highly productive people don't want to waste their times even a second or a minute as they already to do list day to day that they have to accomplished, so they use times efficient and effectively to getting close to their goals.

2. They don’t envy people

most of the people wasting their time for talking the other people success or achievement and most of them see it through negatives way as they will seek for the bad things on the successful people. Whereas, the productive people has their own point of view through looking at the successful people they feels more motivated to be successful. 

3. They write down their ideas immediately

somehow in this life we get an idea through unexpected things for instance: while driving our cars or while working out at the gym. Therefore, for the productive people without thinking too much they will keep all of those ideas for their better future plan.

4.  They dont believe in Fate

highly productive people would not believe in fate, for instance: when starting up a business we have to develop a good marketing technique and tricks for branding that particular business in order to compete with the other competitors. In fact, the marketing strategy of that business is what makes it successful not the fate.

5. They grow from failures and mistakes

unproductive people would give up after they has failed or makes several mistakes and most of them don’t want to hear any constructive critics from the others. On the other hand, productive people will never gives up on their failures, they will seek on what are the problems that makes them failed and making mistakes

If you're interested with productivity habits, read also : 5 ways to stay productive in your workplace 

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